Thursday 22 March 2012

Taking care of your eyes should be a regular for all

Your eyes are probably one of the most important parts of your body and we should all take care of them on a daily basis. There are lots of different things you can practice to make sure your eyes stay in top shape. I want to tell you about some of these things and some signs that will let you know that you are slowly getting eye problems. iLasik surgery or cataract treatment might be on the cards for many people.

Continued use of computer screen or video games can affect your eyes negatively. Of course if you have a job in IT or video game testing where you are required to stay in front of a PC or screen all day then you are a different case. Your eyes can adapt to certain amounts of screen and monitor radiation after years of working in front of them. With every video game there is a warning to tell you about extended use and what kind of lighting should be in the room that you are playing in.

If you wear glasses but you are one of that people that are just to lazy to get the glasses out when reading something then that has to change soon. You put heavy strain on your eyes when you do this and it is only going to make your eyes worse in the end. Keep your glasses around your neck or get a set of contacts that can stay in your eyes at all times. This is all as a safety and protection measure for your eyes.

To go for iLasik surgery is something that might be costly but worth it in the end. It will superbly increase your eyesight without the need for glasses or any other type of eye accessories. I think people do not realize how important eye sight is and should think about this all the time

Thursday 23 February 2012

4 Tips to help improve your child's health

So you want to buy a new bed for the kids because they don’t fit into their cribs anymore, good choice! It’s important to pick the right bed and adults usually don’t see the importance of doing some research. Buying the right bed will have a big effect on your childrens heatlh,lifestyle,performance and how well rested they are.

Here are four tips on how you should pick a bed for your child and what to look at when deciding:

Visual effect – The room has to be visually balanced with colours and contours. Find a bed that fits in with the design of the room. For example; a bed made out of metal and red pillows will clash with a lilac green. The whole room should be easy on the eye, which will make it more enjoyable for your child.Your child's personality – The bed you want for your child should fit their personality. Don’t buy a penguin style bed if they like tanks and action heroes. If you get something that they enjoy they will sleep much better and with a smile on their faces. The bed should also fit in with the theme of the whole room, choose wisely.
Bedroom size – Study the size of your children’s bedroom and decide what bed shape would fit the best with the overall design and shape of the room. Are there architectural features you would like to emphasize? Would the bed you have in mind be too big for this room, etc.
Multifunction – Most beds are multifunctional. You have to decide if you need a bed which converts into a study desk or a storage unit. Functionality should also be planned for a room since you want to use your room to its fullest potential.

We buy beds with sealy posturepedic mattresses for our children and they’ve been sleeping soundly ever since. Now they don’t bother us 4 a.m. in the morning. Definitely a good investment!

Sleep When You Dead is Maybe not so Good Idea

Many of us think we can cut our sleeping pattern short and be efficient the next day but, it is not that healthy. So get that Bed Sheets and pillows ready because after this you might want to go to bed.

Scientists have concluded when staying awake for 24 hours is equal to having 0.10% alcohol in your blood and that is considered drunk by law. 5-Hour sleep nights also leave a person in that sleep-drunk phase. The trade-off here gets a bit tricky, as most people lose sleep because they’re out having drinks with friends or working late and alcohol in the bloodstream can’t be good when working.

On average a person today gets in 20% less sleep than people from a hundred years ago. Is all these new technology to be blamed? You are supposed to turn lights, televisions and computers off when going to bed. It is said to disturb your sleep patterns and make it more difficult to go to sleep. You might think watching one show will put you to sleep but it actually worsens it.

There are several apps available on the market to help you to go to bed and sleep effectively if you have a smartphone. These apps are so amazing it can play ambient sounds or even investigate and chart your sleeping patterns. Maybe all these technology can be used to our advantage.

If you want to take a nap during the day keep it short. No longer than 20 minutes. When you sleep longer than that you can actually disturb you sleeping cycle and do more harm than good. Set a regular bedtime and get into a routine. It is the best way to avoid accidents and unnecessary mistakes.

On that note did you know 1 out of 5 car accidents involve sleepiness and daylight savings can yield and extra hour of sleep and make the world’s difference. So next time when you considering to pull an all nighter, think again.

Friday 13 January 2012

How many people have the same new years resolution

The new year has started and I am wondering what some peoples resolutions was. The most common resolutions are the ones like quit smoking, stop drinking and eat healthy. These are the kinds of resolutions that come up every single year for at least 5 years until people realize they not actually going to do it. I want to give you some tips on these 3 things that might help you stop this habits and start some new ones.

Stop Smoking
Every smoker knows that it is very very difficult to give up smoking. Nicotine inside the cigarette is the only thing that causes an addiction to smoking. For most people though its just a feeling of having something in your mouth at a certain time that cures this addiction. For me personally I invested in a nicotine patch. Yes it sounds like something that might not work but it does. With this nicotine patch the craving to smoke wasn't gone completely but it was lessened. When I did feel like smoking even with the patch on a usually just popped a lollipop into my mouth and the craving slowly went away. Nicotine patches are pretty cheap and the lollipops is also.

Stop Drinking
To stop drinking should be a little bit easier than the smoking. There are plenty of things to replace alcohol with and the thing we need to remember here is that we don't need to stop drinking all together. A glass of red wine now and then is actually good for you and your heart. It has a special ingredient that actually helps fight cancer. If you want to cut down on drinking then maybe try some none alcoholic beer and ciders. The taste might not be exactly what you want but it will be very close to it. If you weren't a person that drinks for the taste of the wine then you were drinking for all the wrong reasons anyway and should just stop right now.

Eat Healthy
Eating healthy is something that should be on everybodies things to do in 2012. Eating healthy can only be performed by you and nothing I say here can really push you to the point of eating healthy. You need to practice self control and be responsible when making or buying food. Get in as many vitamin C foods andsolaray vitamins as you possibly can. There are plenty of health food take away places nowadays and there food still tastes fantastic. Substitute a beef burger and chips for a chicken wrap of some sorts.

Stopping these 3 things will not only help you live a easier and healthier life when you older but also make you feel better right now. I mean feel better about yourself and make your body feel better as well. Get rid of the bad and let the new you win in 2012.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Baby Soft Skin the Natural Way

With the wide array of cosmetics on the market today you are spoilt for choice when it comes to which make up or lotion to use. This multi-million dollar industry which feeds of the need of many to look and remain younger has an influence the world over. Not everything about this industry is bad, however many of the products that are sold either have been tested on animals or have some form of synthetic chemical component to them.

The best alternative is to go organic, many cultures the world over have made use of some form of cosmetics to enhance their beauty or to moisturise their skin and all this before laboratories where churning out all these different types of chemicals.

Olive Oil
This natural product is popular the world over and has a myriad of different uses. Often used in cooking this is an ingredient in many of the cosmetic products on the market today, Olive oil is revered as it moisturises the skin from within. If however you make use of the extra virgin oil on your face or rather any olive oil...please remember that to use sparingly as many people have adverse reactions to due to the richness of the oil.

Sunflower Oil
Apart from olive oil sunflower oil is also a fantastic oil to use in your moisturising regime due to its regeneration properties. This particular oil helps the skin to retain its moisture and also assists in the prevention of acne. Many of the products on the market today that contains this oil would leave the skin soft and smooth.

Moisturising should be practiced as early as possible to ensure that your children skin will remain soft, smooth and hopefully stave off the effects of acne. A fantastic ranch of organic products that can be found at gaia online also caters for the baby market. The product range is aptly named gaia baby.

Monday 6 June 2011

The saying that has usually ensnared dread directly into several people whom instantly can feel that they may change into some sort of round hamburger once they eat one. While this is certainly amusing due to the fact in the event you consume enough you'll needless to say grow round, it's not necessary to worry and just like the favourite hamburger you can find healthy organic food alternatives to day to day eating.

Your everyday Health Store can certainly provide you with a diverse variety of food items, goodies and assistance about tips on how to change that unfit eating habits around. By simply just employing different ingredients you don't need to cease eating your current fav foodstuff just like Pizza, pasta's, Chocolates not to mention the hamburger. I personally work with ostrich mince and produce my very own burger patties, which has additionally presented me personally some thing of a cook standing among my buddies.

Even a person's beverage may be healthy and balanced and a favourite of my own is Aloe Vera Juice, it seriously helps make you feel wholesome simply by drinking it and it is 100% healthy and organic, much better than having soy milk every day I do believe.

A simply change can certainly create a brand new vitality in your life, a couple of years back I became overweight and always exhausted, I'll let you know I did not eat very well, however these days following hearing a friend (who I believed during the time was health food cook) I do believe I appear very good, well I do believe I do, and thats all that actually is important.

Getting up with vitality and also really wanting to eat healthy and balanced is a superb sensation, but in addition to this all not merely do I find cooking food absolutely enjoyable, but it really saves me money to purchase all of the elements rather than simply purchasing my food prepared. Now i am having a supper party shortly and my close friends will not really know what hit them after i inform them all of the ingredients are healthy and organic, perhaps it will possibly get some of those couch potatoes on this phone....